Female Hair Transplant

Non-Incisional Hair Transplant Specialist
Moh Jae-seong Hair Transplant Center Guarantees The Flawless Result

Female Hairline

The key to a successful female hairline is accurately analyzing the patient's overall characteristics, including hair thickness, curliness, and face shape

Moh's Female Hairline

Moh Jae-seong Hair Transplant Center
analyzes each patient's hair condition and recommend the most suitable surgical method for them.

More than 50% of women have wavy hair. For these women, the surgical method for hairline correction should be determined based on the individual's hair characteristics.

Rather than uniformly applying a single method for hair extraction and transplantation, it is much more rational to accurately analyze the patient's overall characteristics and select the most appropriate technique from a variety of surgical methods.
This approach ensures the best and most natural hairline correction results.

Therefore, it is crucial for the surgeon to have extensive experience with a wide range of surgical techniques, including the strip method, non-invasive method, ARTAS robotic system, slit method, and implant method.

Types of Female Hairline Correction

We select and combine the necessary correction surgeries from the following five methods to achieve the optimal facial proportions:

Female Hairline Analysis

Decision of Female Hair Transplant Surgery Methods

Moh’s Hair Transplant is different!

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Advantages of the Moh’s Hair Transplant

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모재성 성형외과

579 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Caro City 2, 5th Floor, Units 501-502
Business Registration Number : 211-10-34017 Clinic Name: Moh Jae-seong Plastic Surgery Clinic Representative: Moh Jae-seong
COPYRIGHT 2016 Mo Jae-seong Plastic Surgery Clinic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.