Moh Jae-seong Hair Transplant Center

Non-Incisional Hair Transplant Specialist
Moh Jae-seong Hair Transplant Center Guarantees The Flawless Result

How to Choose a Hair Transplant Clinic

Moh Hair Transplant Center specializes exclusively in non-incision procedures, where surgeries are performed directly by a board-certified plastic surgeon from start to finish.

평일 : am 10:00~ Pm 07:00 토요일 : am 1-:00 ~ pm 05:00 야간진료는 예약환자에 한하여 시행 일요일, 공휴일은 휴진입니다.

모재성 성형외과

579 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Caro City 2, 5th Floor, Units 501-502
Business Registration Number : 211-10-34017 Clinic Name: Moh Jae-seong Plastic Surgery Clinic Representative: Moh Jae-seong
COPYRIGHT 2016 Mo Jae-seong Plastic Surgery Clinic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.